Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth to emerge, typically appearing in your late teens or early twenties. To many, the thought of wisdom tooth extraction can be intimidating since it often involves surgery. It’s natural to feel uneasy about the possibility of an impacted tooth.

Thanks to modern technology and years of refining the procedure, wisdom tooth extraction has become a routine process at Brentwood Village Dental with minimal discomfort during recovery. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of early extraction and why timing is key to maintaining your dental health! 

Why Age Matters With Wisdom Tooth Extraction 

Root Development

Wisdom teeth usually come in during your late teens and early twenties, when their roots are still relatively short and not fully formed. This makes them easier to remove, leading to a smoother, less complicated procedure and a quicker recovery.

Bone Density

As you get older, your jawbone becomes denser, which can make wisdom tooth extraction more challenging. Removing wisdom teeth later in life may require more complex techniques and could mean a longer recovery time.

5 Benefits of Having Your Wisdom Tooth Removed Early 

1. Easier and Less Complicated Procedure

One of the main advantages of early wisdom tooth extraction is that the procedure is generally easier and less complicated when done at a younger age. Your wisdom teeth are still developing in your late teens or early twenties, and the roots are not fully formed. This makes them easier to remove and reduces the risk of complications. 

As you get older, the roots grow longer and may become entangled with the jawbone, making extraction more complex and potentially more painful.

2. Reduced Risk of Dental Problems

Keeping your wisdom teeth can sometimes lead to various dental issues, including overcrowding, misalignment, and damage to adjacent teeth. 

Additionally, wisdom teeth are prone to decay and infection due to their location at the back of the mouth, which makes them harder to clean. By opting for early extraction, you can prevent these potential problems before they have a chance to develop, ensuring better long-term dental health.

3. Faster Healing and Recovery

Younger patients generally heal faster and more efficiently after wisdom tooth extraction. Your body’s healing mechanisms are at their peak at a younger age, so you’ll likely experience less swelling, discomfort and quicker recovery. 

The healing process can take longer and be more challenging as you age, so early extraction can help you get back to your normal routine sooner.

4. Preventing Future Complications

Delaying wisdom tooth extraction can lead to more severe complications down the road. Impacted wisdom teeth trapped beneath the gum line or stuck against other teeth can cause significant pain, infection, and even cysts or tumours. 

Early extraction can prevent these issues from arising, saving you from more invasive procedures and discomfort in the future.

5. Peace of Mind

Finally, opting for early wisdom tooth extraction gives you peace of mind. Knowing that you’ve taken proactive steps to protect your dental health allows you to focus on other aspects of your well-being without worrying about potential problems down the road.

While some patients need all four teeth extracted, others may only need one or two. At Brentwood Village Dental Clinic, we can determine which wisdom teeth need to be removed and identify which ones will be functional.

Early Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Early wisdom tooth extraction offers numerous benefits, from a more straightforward procedure and faster recovery to better overall dental health.

Don’t wait until you’re in pain—speak to our team at Brentwood Village Dental about your options today. Delaying wisdom teeth removal can result in partial eruption and a longer healing period. If you feel anxious or nervous about wisdom teeth extraction, we can discuss sedation options.

Call the office to book an appointment at (403) 210-5050 or toll-free at (888) 978-2853. You may also fill out our contact form, and we will get back to you shortly.

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